The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004 Message #1969432
Posted By: JohnInKansas
16-Feb-07 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
Bill D.
A very few years ago, maybe 2 or 3, when the notion that TB drives were rapidly approaching, a quite knowledgeable "techie" predicted that:
1. A TB drive would be sufficient for almost anyone to save virtually everything (s)he thought, read, heard, or thought might someday be interesting to read, think about, etc.
2. Once everyone had the ability to save everything, no one would really need to save much of anything, since everything would already be saved by someone else and could be quickly accessed by anyone.
... ... ... if someone could just figure out how to keep track of where all it all is.
The keeping track ain't happened yet.
Examining one's storage space to find the right bit of information and get it in front of one's self at the time when it's wanted is much like the problem of getting the right persons in the right place at the right time. The method(s) that work for one person often are just "not quite right" for another person. Quite often, in both cases, there just isn't a right way that works to the equal satisfaction of all involved. Sometimes the best available isn't completely satisfying to any of us.
Sometimes, despite all our accomodations to the limits of our systems, and our ability to find exactly the right stuff, we have to settle for what we can get and be glad we can get anything at all out of the immense theoretically available resources that we know are there.
Sometimes, despite all our accomodations to the "limitations" of our temporally challenged friends, we just have to forget the schedule and settle for getting them "there" at all. It helps to overlook the "failures" (experimental errors) and enjoy the (successful?) accomplishment of having their company for the time remaining.