The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99073   Message #1969690
Posted By: VIN
16-Feb-07 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Pete Fitzpatrick
Subject: Obit: Pete Fitzpatrick
I was very sad to learn earlier this week of the sad passing of Pete Fizpatrick. I did'nt know him well personally but Pete was a member of the Legplaiters Ceiliah Band and regularly played with other band members and friends at the Oddfellows Inn in Middleton.

He was a brilliant piano accordion player and featured recently with the Legplaiters on two cds. The sleeve notes says of Pete, 'Back in the fifties and sixties Pete played in a number of bands. In 1965 he won the Gt Britain fleadh on the piano accordion and went on Thurles Fleadh Ceoil to win the overseas competition for piano and get fourth place in the all ireland.'

He always had a smile even when not too good healthwise. He'll be sorely missed by many i'm sure not least the band and regulars at the Oddfellows. Thanks for the memory Pete and condolences to his family.

R.I.P mate!