The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004   Message #1969939
Posted By: Bill D
16-Feb-07 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
Charley..30 years ago, I moved from Wichita, KS to Maryland with a suitcase and a box....then I went home for 'a few things'...then I got married....then my mother died, and I 'went back to sort her stuff' and brought some things back....then my wife's mother died and we acquired some more, all the while adding our OWN things. Then I began woodworking and needed 2 basement rooms devoted to a shop...and any 'extra' space is filled with tables and stuff for doing craft shows......There is NO closet that is not full; no table that doesn't have things under it; no bare, flat surfaces. A downstairs shower stall I used to use is packed high with boxes ....yeah, I do know the feeling. I have either the energy or the ambition to sort and toss before I have to leave it to my son? He might be less apt to save it all.