The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #264   Message #1970
Posted By: new words I wrote to the same air in 1990
06-Feb-97 - 06:48 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Come Back Paddy Reilly to Ballyjamesduff
Subject: ADD: The Little White House (Bobby O'Brien)
The tune to Come Back Paddy Reilly is certainly used on many other songs, and I also wrote new words, and had the band play the tune a bit quicker, in a waltz format, to complete my song "The Little White House". Here are the words:

(Bobby O'Brien)

They sing of their homes far away on the range
and their little grey homes in the west
but the best place of all
is in old Donegal
back in Erin, the place I love best.

There's a little white house
with a golden thatched roof
all covered with roses galore
just a little white house
far away o'er the sea
in old Erin the place I adore.

I still see my mother with silvery hair
in his little old shawl of grey
as I packed my belongings to sail o'er the sea
to America far far away
(repeat chorus)

when I left long ago was I ever to know
I would miss you as much as I do
with a heart that was broke at farewell softly spoke
old Erin I bade you adieu.
(repeat chorus)

Now the windows are gone and the roof is ari
but the roses still bloom 'round the door
and if God should decide he will give me the strength
the old homestead I soon will restore.

To the little white house
with a golden thatched roof
all covered with roses galore
just a little white house
far away o'er the sea
in old Erin the place I adore.

(repeat chorus to close)

I have sung this at my gigs for the past 7 years, and have recorded it on a heretofore unreleased album of Irish and country songs.

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