The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004   Message #1970238
Posted By: Kaleea
16-Feb-07 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
My neice, whom I live with, is a chronically chronologically challenged personage, as are her mother AND father. I, however, am prompt. I have found a way to assist my neice with her disability which affects me, since we share my car. It's a relativly simple mathematical formula derived in a completely logically fashion!
One merely uses the age of the chronically chronologically challenged person, mulitplied by the thickness of their skull minus the number of minutes which it takes to drill through said skull squared, dividing by the amount of space which the car requires on the freeway plus the percentage of time ( in tenths of a second) by which the chronically chronologically challenged personage underestimates their measure of time, factoring the average number of minutes it takes to drive through Jack in the Box plus the number of minutes (in tenths of a second) it takes to complain about today's blunder by President dubblepew aka "the deecider," multiplied by the total number of hypnotism sessions she has had in order to avail herself of negative habits, which, of course, results in the number: 47.9. Then, I simply inform my neice that the event takes place 47.9 minutes earlier than it actually does.
What could be easier?