The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99077   Message #1970330
Posted By: Adrianel
16-Feb-07 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Were you named after anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Were you named after anyone?
My wife has a "follow-on" name, the same one as her mother and (maternal) grandmother - Mavourneen. We don't know if it goes further back than that.
I share a middle name (Elmer) with my father; I haven't the faintest idea where it comes from as it's very rare in England.
My Gran (father's mother) was always very sparing with syllables in names. Her children were "Ive" (Ivan, my father), "Bet" (Betty), "Gorg" (Gordon) and "Peg" (Peggy). It took my mother a long time, when she and my father were courting (as one did in the 1930s), to get Gran to grant her 2 syllables (Hilda), so she was determined to give her children names that Gran could not reduce to monosyllables. So, I am Adrian ("Ade"), my brother is Nigel ("Nige"), and our sister Miranda ("Mandy"). Mother sort of won 1 out 3.
To vary the thread slightly, how many people do you know who have different names with different groups of friends? I grew up with a John (given names John Christopher) who became Chris when he went to flight school (as there were too many other Johns in the class). A college friend was a bluff Mancunian called Jed. After he qualified as a doctor, he decided Jerry (he is actually Gerald) sounded better. My grandfather (Gran's husband, George John) was George to all except his sister, who always called him John.
As we say we say in Yorkshire "All the world's a little strange, except for thee and me, and ah have me doubts about thee".