The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99096   Message #1970350
Posted By: dianavan
16-Feb-07 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
Subject: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
I guess thats the least that can be done since their homeland has been destroyed. Still, a total of approx. 7,500 is not many when 3.8 million have had to flee since the invasion.

"The United States has allowed only 463 Iraq refugees into the country since the war began in 2003, even though some 3.8 million have been uprooted."

I know that 1.5 million Kurds fled to Iran and Turkey because of Saddam but how many refugees were created when he was in power?