The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99087   Message #1970729
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
17-Feb-07 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
Shadow - dark tabby that was preowned by someone who possibly dumped her in a box or a bag because she hates enclosed spaces. Found her 16 years ago when she was about 2. She's got one tooth left and is starting to sleep longer and deeper but she can still bounce around.

Raven - 2 yr old former male black cat, has about 12 white hairs on him, scattered all over. He's completely barmy and has been known to eat Christmas decorations. He's happy to sit on the side of the bath when you're in it, but he doesn't like the bubbles.

Then there's the Shopkeeper (aka Felix) who lodges with us despite many attempts to remove him from the premises. Known as the Shopkeeper after the Mr Benn cartoon series where suddenly, as if by magic, the shopkeeper appears. It's from the trick of appearing in the kitchen in the time it takes to open a ring pull lid on a tin of catfood.