The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87487   Message #1970871
Posted By: GUEST,Guest,Dean
17-Feb-07 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Rose, the Record Lady
Subject: RE: Rose, the Record Lady
I would like to add my thanks to you Rose(As I wrote to you before) you had music available that was not available any place else. You not only preserved the music but made it available to the younger generation,music that they now will probably never hear.
It is just a shame that the recording industry is depriving young people of hearing some of the original work of pioneers in the music business that they, and their families would never get a cent of royalties if the recording companies collected it. A good many of them have passed on to another life.
Once again we thank you Rose and wish you the best for your contribution to preserving some original music and artists who I am sure would want their music to continue on and not be lost because of the greedy recording industry.

Best wishes,