The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98885   Message #1971074
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
17-Feb-07 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: AllanTaylor Faldingworth Live Sat 3/3/07
Subject: RE: AllanTaylor Faldingworth Live Sat 3/3/07
Yup is a quandary innit?
I suppose before we had access to websites and recorded music we would still have heard covers?
I am only too pleased when people want to play/sing my stuff and have enjoyed the weirdfeeling I get from hearing them.
Gotta french bloke interested in a couple at the moment and waiting to see how he arranges them.
He is a superb guitar player so looking forward to hearing him perform them one day.
I have had the experience of over hearing people discussing the meaning behind one of mine and I must say I was very impressed at the hidden story I had told each of them.
Both entirely different and both news to me.
Wish I had really got the intelect they credited me with but was just a bunch of words that said what they said.