The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004   Message #1971166
Posted By: Joe_F
17-Feb-07 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
Vunnahabhain: My understanding is that the classic test of IPOIO was made with a carefully symmetrized toast-flipping machine to see if the toast always landed butter side down. It did not, but the probability of doing so was found to be a well-defined function of the value of the underlying surface. By causing the toast to land on an original Picasso drawing or a rare Persian rug, the probability could be raised to 87%.

As to the propriety of considering space & time in the same thread, that is clear in view of the researches of Einstein & Minkowski, who showed that they are as intimately connected as the dimensions of space are with each other. (And why *three*? I once heard Julian Schwinger drop a hint, which IIRC was that three was the maximal number of mutually anticommuting 2-by-2 matrices & hence the number of independent ways a spin could point.)