The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99096   Message #1971332
Posted By: dianavan
18-Feb-07 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
Apples and Oranges, Dickey. Mexicans are not fleeing Mexico. They are seeking economic opportunity in a nation that happens to be next door. Fleeing and seeking are not the same thing.

btw - the majority of Iraqis have fled to Syria and Iran. Seems that Sweden also has its fair share.

C'mon, Dickey, admit it, you don't care about the Iraqi people. You want the U.S. in the Middle East to control the economy and protect Israel. If you really cared, you would give them shelter instead of driving them from their homes. Thats just plain mean-spirited, Dickey.