The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98955   Message #1971617
Posted By: Bill D
18-Feb-07 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
They say it will begin warming up here in Tuesday...but I have this yard....and walks & driveway....covered with 3-4" of white, slippery concrete. (The Fed-Ex guy came by when we weren't watching, and refused to try to get up to the door)

So, in order to be able to get to the car and the newspaper without breaking my neck, I have been cleaning my walks. It's even colder and harder in the shadows by the back door.

yes...those are hatchets & pickaxes. Never in 50 years of clearing snow have I had to go that far. I have a couple of chippers for light ice...(a 'straight' hoe, and an even heavier tile remover) but this is something! Maybe 3-4 more trips out today, and I can have channels made so that the warmer weather can melt the edges and allow the melt to run off.

Lots of fun!