The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92247   Message #1971683
Posted By: GUEST
18-Feb-07 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Short Grass (Ian Tyson)
Subject: RE: Chord Req: Short Grass by Ian Tyson
Thanks, pdg. I was going to agree with you - I had temporarily forgotten about John Herald - but I went back and dug out [and I DO mean DUG out] the album and there were only three people playing on most of the cuts: Felix Pappalardi on bass and Ian Tyson and Rick Turner (are you familiar with him? I'm not.) both on guitar. Eric Weissberg plays banjo on Molly and Tenbrooks.

Vis a vis Molly & Tenbrooks, I was fortunate enough to meet and hear Steve Gillette back in the mid '60s. He was travelling solo and playing the university coffee house circuit - he was superb! His guitar playing was way ahead of his time. He came through KY a couple of times and I taped him the second time he was through. By then, Linda Ronstadt and the Stone Poneys had done several of his songs and Ian & Sylvia had done Darcy Farrow which he said he and Tom Campbell wrote for a folklore class project they were assigned.   They were supposed to have "collected" a song but they wrote one instead passing it off to their professors as collected. (Shades of John Jacob Niles!) I recorded Steve's version of Molly & Tenbrooks (minus the 6/8 timing) backed up by J.D. Crowe who had Doyle Lawson in his band at the time. It was a hoot!

It's nice to find a place where folks remember - and appreciate - the really fine folks who came before. I have most of Ian & Sylvia's albums and most of Ian and Sylvia's solo albums since they split. It's interesting to hear the changes in their styles and voices.

Lightfoot was through here a few years ago and it was interesting to note that although he has lost much of his voice, his phrasing still makes his songs "work."

We in Central Kentucky have been VERY fortunate to have had some really good musicians either come through or reside here for a time and I have been very fortunate through the years to have been able to meet and pick with many of them.

Louise in Lex