The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99104   Message #1972056
Posted By: Bee
18-Feb-07 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cat Deterrents
Subject: RE: BS: Cat Deterrents
Yes, Greg F. Many pet owners are assholes.
Yes, cats kill critters, and thank heavens for that, otherwise we'd be overrun with squirrels here. The two years between cats resulted in us having to re-insulate over the garage, fish a trapped weasel out of a wall, trap an endless stream of deermice and house mice, and we still have a bat problem (the cat's just six months old).

We will continue to disagree on the issue. I think cat predation is an overblown 'problem' which takes attention away from far more serious killers. You seem to think I'm an 'animal rights raver' or something (at least, you've implied it twice now), which suggests you haven't actually read my posts (re: bobolinks, for example; the first batch didn't migrate to a suitable place, (and again missing the point, there are no suitable habitats left for them in NS at least because farming practices changed), because the daft things don't: they suicide on the nest.

Perhaps we should stick to talking about music. ;-)