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Thread #99124   Message #1972147
Posted By: GUEST, Fergettaboutit
18-Feb-07 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Noam Chomsky on Iran, etc.
Subject: RE: BS: Noam Chomsky on Iran, etc.
If your gurus aren't screaming about government involvement in 9/11, then they're probably part of the team. Chomsky said this:

"What does it matter even if it was true, it wouldn't be significant."

He was talking about the possibility that there may have been a government conspiracy behind September 11. So why isn't the possibility that the govt did the 9/11 job significant to Chomsky? Because his team got away with the job. The Bush/Clinton team, left/right, whatever you want to call it. The powers that control all the teams in American politics got away with 9/11 (they want to think), so now the people who act as government mouthpieces are urging us to move on.

Chomsky is a "Left Gatekeeper." He yaps at liberals and directs their attention away from topics that could be of danger to the establishment. Rush Limbaugh is a "Right Gatekeeper." Working in tandem, these people assure that serious questions never get asked on the public airwaves, or if they do get asked, that they are answered with government doctrine.

Below is a quick-reference chart of Left Gatekeepers:

Just do a search for "Gloria Steinhem + CIA" for a nice slap in the face. And then there's Amy Goodman:

Amy Goodman should be regarded as a Left Gatekeeper (LG). Left Gatekeepers, like the journalists in George Orwell's 1984, function to promote the official propaganda of the state. They amplify what is not credible while excluding other voices from challenging the government's lies of the day....

However, since 9/11/01 Amy Goodman (and her internet/radio program Democracy Now!) has achieved enormous popularity while continuing to fail to challenge the Bush regime where doing so is most needed. In particular, whenever the topic of terrorism on US soil is brought up on her program she can be counted upon to repeat government propaganda....

And there's the Boston Globe's Ellen Goodman, who said, "Let's just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers..."

I get real tired of being told what to think, by Chomsky, the Goodmans, Limbaugh, and the rest of the government operatives. They all aim to do the same thing...misdirect us. The fires were so intense at the WTC towers on 9/11 that the black boxes were consumed, they say, yet "hijacker" Satam Al Suqumi's passport was found in the rubble, unburned, afterwards. The passport was obviously planted. And Chomsky wants you to believe that's not significant? Give me a break:

If the people you admire have "moved on" from 9/11 or if they redirect questions about it, then they're either in denial or on the govt payroll. In the case of the talking heads, they're traitors doing a job. How anyone can believe or put stock in anything Chomsky/Limbaugh says is beyond me.


" just this moment it had been announced that Oceania was not after all at war with Eurasia. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Eurasia was an ally.... There was, of course, no admission that any change had taken place. Merely it became known, with extreme suddenness and everywhere at once, that Eastasia and not Eurasia was the enemy." (George Orwell, 1984)