The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99124   Message #1972485
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Feb-07 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Noam Chomsky on Iran, etc.
Subject: RE: BS: Noam Chomsky on Iran, etc.
Bunn - there's a third possibility which you don't seem to be considering. The attacks on 911 may have been carried out by BOTH a tiny group of foreign terrorists AND certain elements in the US that people in the US government may have been involved in:

1. making sure the terrorists were not caught and prevented before it happened

2. making sure the terrorists got the flight training they needed without interference by the FBI, etc

3. making sure the buildings came down by providing additional assistance in the form of pre-placed demolition charges in Bldgs. #1, #2, and #7.

I've seen enough evidence to suggest that, and it seems quite probably to me.

And the terrorists themselves may have been completely unaware of any such activities on the part of anyone but themselves. They may have been conveniently used by a group of people who wanted a "Pearl Harbor" level event so they could send the USA off to war with solid public support.

You see, believing that some people in the US govt were involved is not mutually exclusive with believing that there WAS an Al Queda plot and that Muslim terrorists DID fly those airplanes into those buildings.

Not in the least.