The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99124   Message #1972693
Posted By: dianavan
19-Feb-07 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Noam Chomsky on Iran, etc.
Subject: RE: BS: Noam Chomsky on Iran, etc.
I still think that the link between Saudi Arabia and the Bush family has been underscored (to say the least).

"The Feds' interest in al-Bayoumi has been heightened by a money trail that could be perfectly innocent, but is nonetheless intriguing—and could ultimately expose the Saudi government to some of the blame for 9-11 and seriously strain U.S.-Saudi ties" Mobile

The article discusses the possibility of money being transferred to al-quaida through the bank account of Princess Haifa, wife of Prince Bandar (the guy holding hands with Bush).

but, of course: "The facts are unclear, and there's no need to rush to judgment," said one administration official. In meetings with intelligence committee leaders, Vice President Dick Cheney, Attorney General John Ashcroft and others have adamantly rejected attempts to declassify the information, citing national-security concerns."

I digress.

google: Saudi Money Trail or Prince Bandar or Princess Haifa

Prince Bandar is more than a little "slick".