The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99099   Message #1972752
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
19-Feb-07 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: What makes a person a good songwriter?
Subject: RE: What makes a person a good songwriter?
Be observant.

One day, while I was waiting for someone in the Woman's department of Lord & Taylor's (an upscale department store) I stood there watching the women who were casually browsing through racks of clothes. Because it was the middle of a work day, the customers were mostly retired women. Many of them had their gray or white hair tinted blue or lavender. They were in no hurry to get anywhere.
There were no husbands in sight.

And the lines of a song came, unbidden:

   "The lavender ladies are leisurely grazing
    In Ladies Wear, Luggage and Fine Lingerie"

It didn't take much to finish the four lines:

   "With hours to kill ,and no one to kill them with
    The loves of their lives have all passed away"

The stories are right in front of you.
