The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19401   Message #197403
Posted By: Áine
18-Mar-00 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 17
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 17
Dang it, Amos! I swear that I was in the tub having a 'Calgon moment' and working on this song with Dear Hubby, when you posted that Samson and Delilah comment! Well, now that you've blown my surprise, here it is anyway:

Delilah and Sam
by Áine and Dear Hubby
(Tune: Sweet Betsy From Pike)

Her name is Delilah, if truth be to tell,
She's got my poor husband, Sam, under her spell,
If wishes were horses, she'd ride into Hell,
She's a hussy if there ever was one.

She rode into town in the back of a truck,
With her short-shorts and tube top, she was in luck,
A men-only barber shop was new in town,
Where all of the married men had run to ground.

The beauty and nail shops were now all a-buzz,
There were rumours that someone had called up the fuzz,
The 'No. 2 Special' wasn't all it appeared,
It seemed that Young Tommy'd lost more than his beard!


The line from the door to the car lot was long,
And bare domes were spotted that didn't belong,
When asked what they needed when no hair was showin',
One said, 'I heard ladies here can get it growin'.'

This town used to sport many beards and mustaches,
Now you'd be lucky to spot a man still with eyelashes,
When they started to lose all the hair on their arms,
The women in town they rose up in alarm.


I thought my dear Sam was immune to her wiles,
'Cause he never went in for fancy hairstyles,
But when he came home with a Vidal Sasoon,
I knew what he'd been planting out under the moon!

Oh Officer, Officer, please take her in,
A haircut should never be reason for sin,
And as for my Sammy, please send him straight home,
I'll make sure that he has no more reason to roam.
