The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99168   Message #1974346
Posted By: Dave Roberts
20-Feb-07 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Parma Violet Sweets - reaction????
Subject: RE: BS: Parma Violet Sweets - reaction????
I hesitate to contribute to a debate on such a delicate subject, but a former work colleague called John Smith (really) once told me that one of the side-effects of eating Parma Violets (in fact, I imagine, the only side effect) was that they were supposed to 'sweeten' the aroma of emitted wind (if I may put it in such a coy fashion). Obviously, many were disappointed.
My four year old Grandaughter recently found a packet of Parma Violets and mistook them for her favourite multi-coloured fizzy sweets.
She was less than impressed with the taste, and said that they 'tasted like scent'.
Which they do.