The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99210 Message #1974432
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
20-Feb-07 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: Hey, You! Get Off Of My Note!
Subject: RE: Hey, You! Get Off Of My Note!
Sheesh, Foolestroupe! I'm having a great time! So are the guys in each group. We love to sing together, and as we discover our different approaches, we all are learning more about harmony in the process. Obsessing is about as far removed from what is happening as anything I could imagine. We sang together at a workshop and immediately hit it off as friends, and musicians. We aren't approaching this in any scholarly way, because I don't approach music in that way, and neither do any of the other guys.
We're just having a great time together!
I started this thread not to talk about me, or either of the groups. I asked about how other people approach harmony, and what their experience is in other kinds of music. I'd still like to hear how other people make harmony. We need all the harmony that we can get.
Thanks, Susan for understanding that it is exuberation, not obssesion that drives me.