The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99168   Message #1974607
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
21-Feb-07 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Parma Violet Sweets - reaction????
Subject: RE: BS: Parma Violet Sweets - reaction????
I'm eating some right now, Mmmmmmmmm!

Violet flavoured sweets have been around since mediaeval times when they were thought to sweeten the breath (what goes in sweet, must come out sweet....) like peppermints. They'd never heard of things like tooth decay, acid reflux or bacteria so they didn't realise the real cause.

Devon used to have a thriving violet business, much like Norfolk and lavendar and for much the same reasons.

I have a garden path that is covered in tiny violet plants and I love walking down it on a warm spring day, it smells like heaven.