The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99232   Message #1975259
Posted By: GUEST,number 6
21-Feb-07 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Subject: RE: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Whatever 'good' Nixon did is overshadowed by Watergate, his compulsive wire tapping, his illegal investigations on anyone thought to be subversive to his regime (his famous Enemies List, hell he even talked about having columnist Jack Anderson assassinated), the break in to steal Daniel Ellsberg's pshychiatric files, his lying, his dity tricks, the power bombing of North Vietnam, his advancement of U.S. troops into Cambodia, his responsibility in the assassination and overthrow of Chile's socialist leader Allende, and support of the subsequent tyrant Pinochet.

If people had not forgotten the Nixon dark side, I'm sure there would have been more checks and balances in place to prevent it happening again (with Bush). How could his evilness have been forgotten ... do people wish to have these current dark days of the Bush regime forgotten?
