The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99210   Message #1975635
Posted By: wysiwyg
21-Feb-07 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: Hey, You! Get Off Of My Note!
Subject: RE: Hey, You! Get Off Of My Note!
Yeah, we wrestled with "Oh Why" for about 3 years before being able to approximate a good arrangement, never mind siong it as a sinlge vopice for unison congregational singing. It's a challenging one. And yes it has that certain SOUND, I remember feeling it the first time with "Step by Step." "Oh Why" has a jazzy slide up a really unique scale in the back parts. Dunno enough theory to nail it. But hear it? Yes. There it is again, going by in my mental karaoke machine.

As far as doo wop, there is one thing I can hear in my mind quite unmistakably characteristic of the sound, and that is-- imagine you are hearing them go into the very first run of the "er-rat-a-tat-tat." There is an interval from the first note to the second-- I bet you can hear it in your head. THAT's the doo wop. No piano handy or I'd say what that interval is, but that's it. They all have that in them somewhere I bet!

A-oom-pop a-oom-pop a-oom-popppa maw maw -- same interval, where the a-oom slides in at the start of the line.

And hm-- oh crap! I am NOT going to sleep well, tonight! :~)
