The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99232   Message #1976507
Posted By: John Hardly
22-Feb-07 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Subject: RE: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Patriotism? We have do go down that spiral path again?

I've never met a liberal yet who was proudly patriotic. To a person, when it really comes down to talking about patriotism, liberals will generally get around to equating it with "Jingoism" and eschew it.

Liberalism cannot bring itself to even think, much less talk about ANYTHING about which America is superior. Even the notion that we are good about or for anything brings sneers to their cynical lips.

I was and am anti-war (the Iraq debacle) too. But it was in watching the left's reaction to it, despite my being against it too, that reconfirmed my sense that the Left is not patriotic.

By definition, they do not even like America for what it is. By definition they are progressive and wish to change America. It does not suit them.