The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99232   Message #1976704
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Feb-07 - 12:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Subject: RE: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Everyone is a conspiracy theorist, pdq. ;-) It's just that we have differences of opinion about which conspiracies are factual (or credible) and which are not. And you and I differ when it comes to that. You don't like Perkins because his favorite conspiracy theories don't match yours, that's all.

To call Perkins a "conspiracy theorist", as if that in itself invalidates his writing, is about as apt as calling a soldier "a trained killer" (which he is, potentially) or a president "a politician" (and curling your lip in a sneer when you utter the word). It's innuendo, in other words...intended to smear merely by implication, by using a negatively loaded word in a certain context. Of COURSE the man is a conspiracy theorist. Given his background, he could hardly be anything but. EVERYONE who deals in behind the scenes maneuvers that have international implications is dealing with conspiracies of one kind or another.

Kind of like calling a woman "a feminist", for instance. Or a person with unusual opinions "a radical". Or a person who opposes a war "a peacenik".

You have to ask yourself why his first boss at MAIN "Perkins's first boss at Chas. T. Main, Einar Greve, initially declared to journalists that "basically [Perkins's] story is true" and that "what John's book says is, there was a conspiracy to put all these countries on the hook, and that happened".   

And then later he recanted???

Doesn't that tell you anything? It tells me something quite obvious. There are powerful people who do NOT want the public to give credence to what Perkins is saying, because it would threaten their established interests. The book is already out, so they can't do anything about that....but they can do something about Perkins' ex-boss. They can scare or bribe him into recanting what he said.

If what Perkins says is not true, his boss would not have initially agreed with it.

ANY time ANY high level secret is uncovered by a book...there will be a big effort made to discredit that book. You know that. I know it. Why should I be surprised by the stuff you dredged up to attack Perkins? The only thing I wonder is...are you on the payroll? Or are you just a true believer with a background quite different to my own?