The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99232 Message #1976721
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
23-Feb-07 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Subject: RE: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Answers to the original question:
Andrew Jackson - he hated American Indians and ignored the Supreme Court that said they had rights and should be left on their land
Ronald Reagan - turned the special interests loose against the general American populace and made his rich friends filthy rich (the savings and loan plunder); clobbered federal employees, Air Traffic Controllers in particular
George W. Bush - invaded a sovereign nation based upon bogus justification, is ignoring the mess that is Israel, and is busy trying to prove he has bigger balls than his daddy did
And because they each totally disregarded the rule of law to pursue their personal vendettas.