The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99232   Message #1976740
Posted By: Peter Kasin
23-Feb-07 - 02:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Subject: RE: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Worst: Fillmore. Though I'm glad that he went into the music business after his presidency and set up a great auditorium for legendary rock bands.

2nd worst: Garfield. His cartoon strip doesn't excuse his inadequacies as president.

3rd worst: Washington. His sucker punch of Rudy Tomjanovich overshadowed his otherwise great presidency.

4th worst: Harding. Hired thugs to whack at opponent's legs. Shameful!

Best: John Adams. Man, does he brew a great steam beer!

2nd best: Jackson. Set the presidential style with the white glove on one hand.

3rd best: Hoover. Wiped the floor with his 1928 opponent, cleaned up Washington and did not govern within a vacuum. Some say he really sucked, though.
