The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99283   Message #1976945
Posted By: wysiwyg
23-Feb-07 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith-based Initiative to Supreme Court
Subject: RE: BS: Faith-based Initiative to Supreme Court
From what I've read, the mega--call them non-thinking--churches are taking over.

Riginslinger, then you need to read up on the facts of life at small churches. If all your ideas are from what you have read, you're not getting any news from churches that don't brag about what they are doing, or who keep their services to poor folks confidential out of respect for them. You could Google up Episcopal Relief and Development, for a start.

I don't know of a single mega-church within a days' travel of our place, where there are a quite number of small churches of a number of denominations holding on in an economically-depressed area and serving their communities. One houses their community's food pantry and Head Start. Another houses a the only daycare available in reach of that town's working parents.

I know you are mad at churches-- but you've fallen for the press generated by the ones that make you mad, and you are not aware of the bulk of the USA's faith-based organizations.

If you prize clear thinking-- no offense, but you're behind on doing your homework.
