The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99145   Message #1977726
Posted By: Scrump
24-Feb-07 - 04:28 AM
Thread Name: The Fraser Hayes Four.
Subject: RE: The Fraser Hayes Four.
But even now the very words Sing Something Simple conjure up in my mind a bleak and desolate old-fashioned Sunday. School in the morning and I haven't done my homework...

I know exactly what you mean, Dave, but it also conjures up memories for me of summer Sunday evenings, being driven back from a visit to my grandma with my parents, and us stopping outside a pub. We kids stayed in the car and they would go in the pub for a drink after bringing us out pop and crisps (proper ones with salt in little blue twists of paper, instead of being smothered in salt and grease like today's 'orrible ones). The car radio would be on and we would all sing along to the songs we knew.

On relfection, maybe "Sing With A Skinful" wasn't so bad idea all.