The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99352   Message #1978606
Posted By: alanabit
25-Feb-07 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst prizefighter EVER?
Subject: RE: BS: Worst prizefighter EVER?
OK, this does not strictly qualify, but it suits the spirit of the thread...
Regina Halmisch has a model's figure, a pretty face and is a chirpy, intelligent interviewee. She weighs 48kg and is the woman's world champion at her weight.
Stefan Raab comes in at something closer to 100kg. He is an overweight, untrained (at his own admission) thirty something presenter of a late night chat show. He consistently comes up with a series of sensationalist stunts to keep up the viewing figures for his TV show. Six years ago, he was rash enough to challenge Regina Halmisch to a live bout on television.
Now one of of the simplest principles of boxing is that it does not matter how heavy your punch is if it misses the opponent. If you can't hit them, you can't hurt them. So however clumsy and slow boxing might look on TV sometimes, very few of us would be able to connect with a professional boxer, even if they had their hands tied behind their back. (They practice that stuff).
The thrashing, which Frau Halmisch handed out to Raab, was a lesson to anyone, who takes these people lightly. Raab looked like an elephant on valium, trying to fight a leopard. He was lucky to escape with only a broken nose as a souvenir.
This happened some six years ago, and there is now talk of a re(mis)match. About the only thing it is likely to prove is that some folks are real, slow learners!