The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99096   Message #1979009
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Feb-07 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
The "real owners" of any land are the people living on it at present who were born there, and grew up on that land as children, as far as I'm concerned. I don't buy the concept that descendants of an ancient people who lived on a land thousands of years ago can legitimately come from some other place entirely and claim that land and take it from people who grew up there in present times.

I consider that outrageous and unacceptable....and so did the Arabs when European Jews came into Palestine and carved out a new nation-state for themselves.

You have to ask how you would react if 50,000 Indians from Oklahoma came into your home state, Dickey, claimed it in the name of their ancestors, and starting a shooting war to take it for themselves and found a new Indian nation there.

You wouldn't like it. ;-) You'd fight them.

However, if they succeeded and actually won that war...and then you waited a generation or two....well, then I'd have to say that their kids who grew up there should have a say about the place...because it would be their natural home by then. You follow my reasoning? Everyone has a right to stay on the land he was born on. He doesn't have a right to invade the land someone else was born on and take it in the name of his ancestors.

"Live and let live" should be the credo of human society on this planet...not "survival of the strongest".

You are right that a lot of shit is stirred up by the outsiders who attack Israel. Absolutely. A lot of shit is also stirred up by Israel overreacting to such attacks with things like the 2 invasions of Lebanon...and by Israel occupying and settling Arab lands outside their 1948 borders.

I'm saying both sides are greatly at fault for their mutual provocation of each other.