The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99096   Message #1979252
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Feb-07 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
They're preaching to a different choir, so they use rhetoric that suits their audience.

Besides, we have a mass media in the west that searches through thousands and thousands of things that are said by thousands of Muslim spokesmen, barely mentions (if at all) the more reasonable things they say, but makes a major story out of anything really inflammatory they can find in those thousands of statements.

Why? To create a certain impression. That's how propaganda is done.

An important Iranian politician recently made a point of saying officially on the record that Iran has no intention of attacking Israel. You don't hear that being repeated much in our media, do you?

It wouldn't suit the unspoken agenda, which, in my opinion, is to get the American public so scared of Iran that they will support a pre-emptive strike on that country.