The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1979402
Posted By: Bobert
25-Feb-07 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Well, Dickey, it was ***you***, not me who chose to use a four year old poll to try to defend a current day issue... Heck, if that is your M.O., you could justify slavery if you dug back far 'nuff...

And, just to show that you perghaps are incabable of discussing ***current*** events you drag up some ancient paragraph, which most likely came from the editorial page, to try to prove a point, whatyever yoar particular point is, that is...

Can you bring yourself to the here and now, or at least a little closer than scrounging up 6 and 7 year old obscure editorials??? 'Er is this too much to ask??? BTW, whatever Bushite blog that you are usin' sucks... There are much better ones, I'm sure, than this one that gives you editorials that were printed over a half a decade ago to argue pionts with...

...but I do always enjoy you Bushites bringin' up Bill Clinton as the root of all Bush's problems... Always good fir a chuckle... Not that I liked Clinton, mind you, but it a sorry stae of affairs in the Bushite circle when here yer guy has been in the white house for over half a decade an' all his screw=ups are Clinton's fault???

