The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99096   Message #1979422
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Feb-07 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
If you were to put that in ordinary script instead of italics and not in bold, pdq, it would be a hell of a lot easier to read...

Dickey, yes I KNOW you believe Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map. I don't know if that's true or not. It may be. I'm sure he'd be delighted if Israel simply disappeared (for any reason), but I'm not at all sure that he intends to risk his own country's national survival by attempting to make that happen with a military attack.

He'd have to be insane. The Israelis have a hell of a lot of atomic bombs. Now, the USA propaganda mill ALWAYS characterizes foreign leaders whom they are planning to fight soon as being "insane", but that's mostly just the usual propaganda. It's designed to get Americans to support military action.

Ahmadinejad never made a statement saying that the nation of Iran intended to wipe Israel off the map by a military attack. He quoted an old statement by the Ayatollah Kohmeini expressing the expectation that Israel would one day be brought down (the implication: by Divine power, by destiny). That statement was an expression of the Ayatollah's faith in his idea of Allah (God). It was not a declaration that IRAN was going to be the force that made it happen. It was wishful thinking on the Ayatollah's part...just like the wishful thinking that the Americans and Israelis do ALL the time that the Islamic Revolution in Iran will fail and be swept off the page of history. They think it wishfully every day!

My expectation? Both the present Israeli system AND the present Iranian system AND the present USA system and all present systems will AlL be swept off the page of history eventually. After all, Rome is gone, aren't they? All powers have their day, and they have their ending.

By saying that, I am obviously not threatening to attack the USA, Iran, or Israel. I am simply making a philosophical sort of statement about the mortality of human systems of government.

The Ayatollah didn't like Israel. He was expressing the hope and faith that God will bring the Israeli system to an end. Don't the Israelis (the religious ones, that is) pray every day for Jehovah to bring Hezbollah and the Iranian Ayatollahs to an end? You tell me how that is any different.

It is inevitable, Dickey, that you and I will both see the info we already agree with as "factual" and the info we already disagree with as "false propaganda". That's how the human mind works. ;-)

I see no solution to this difference in opinion, but at least we're both getting lots of practice improving our typing skills, right?