The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99370   Message #1980328
Posted By: adventure
26-Feb-07 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: John Roberts House Concert in Maine
Subject: RE: John Roberts House Concert in Maine
Are you all serious about this....

How can you think this way when you all know what lobsters eat.....and if you have not pulled a trap and found "claw de toilet papier" can guess!!!!

I have not eaten one of these things since I was five years old and as for hotdogs.....since I was 18 and working for the USDI in Boston.

So mussels are really not that bad...they filter better and faster than clams and are actually cleaner. Ask the dorymate's wife...she published the original papers on the "red tide" in 1979 after years of research through UMass and Woods Hole.

I believe they even ate the head off of JC in Mary's back yard.

Anyway...need a bed or spot or floor space for the night.

Will bring some normal food....from me what would you expect???

Nice picture Bente....what a cute couple those guys are!!!!

Doryman and his mate.