The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99346   Message #1980500
Posted By: Ron Davies
26-Feb-07 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
Subject: RE: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
I thought (and still think) that Hannes Wader is probably the best of the German Liedermacher. Certainly Reinhard Mey has also done some great songs--one of my favorites is "Ich bin Klempner vom Beruf"

And Schobert and Black were klasse--" Freddy the Gun" and "Beutelgesang"   are 2 of my favorites--and there's one about the psychological disturbances of each of the singer's co-workers--that's great too. Sind die noch beliebt?

I also remember 2 other classics--Udo Juergens' "Der Jazz kommt aus Hamburg (und hier bleibt er)" and Ulrich Roski's "Des Pudels Kern". I'm pretty sure I have a 45 of Walter Scheel doing "Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen"--that was quite an event. And I have a spoof of that record, I believe. As I've said before, the idea that Germans have no sense of humor is a total canard.

I'm definitely out of touch as to current Liedermacher--but I still like to listen sometimes to my old tapes from the 70's--the vast majority recorded off the radio---I was lucky enough to have a cassette recorder when I was in West Germany then--and I have a few Schallplatten--if I can get my turntable repaired.