The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98924   Message #1980765
Posted By: Bobert
27-Feb-07 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Proof that Bush lied
Subject: RE: BS: Proof that Bush lied
And lets not forget the 15 years old college term paper that was not only used but altered to provide the final piece of so-called evidence that Saddam was tryin' to buy uranium... Our own XCIA anaylists said it looked so bogus that most folks with any intallegence would know it was a fake from a mile away... Not exactly their words but that's purdy much what it boiled down to...

Yet Balona Blair went right on in providing just 'nuff of the fabrications from a fabricated college kids old term paper to tell Bush is was fine to tell the "BIG LIE" in the Sate of the Union Addrss... These two guys must think that the rest of the world is made up of friggin' retards, ahhhhhh, not retards as that is no longer politically correct but intellelectually challenged people...

I mean, lets get real here... Using an altered 15 year old college kids term paper as the final piece of evidence to justify the killing of over a half million people and destabilizing an entire region is purdy danged shamefull...
