The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37437   Message #1980783
Posted By: Windsinger
27-Feb-07 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Y Mochyn Du / Old Black Pig (Welsh)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Welsh: 'Old Black Pig'
I am afraid that I do not possess the full version of "Mochyn Du".

This is a little bit after the fact, ;) but I did eventually acquire a "working" version of the Welsh lyrics, enough to record a modest cover of it.

So in honor of St. David's Day this Thursday, here's what I got. I also have a .midi of the tune somewhere; if I can't find it, I'll recreate it from scratch.

(Skipper Jack: some renditions also include your verse, some don't, and some include a lot more than EITHER of us have presented. This song's probably been heavily affected by the oral tradition and accumulated verses from later authors. I THINK the following four were Owens' original ones, though.)




Words and tune by John Owen (1836-1915)

Holl drigolion bro a bryniau
Dewch i wrando hyn o eiriau
Cewch chi hanes rhyw hen fochyn
A fu farw yn dra sydyn


O mor drwm yr ydym ni
O mor drwm yr ydym ni
Y mae yma alar calon
Ar ôl claddu'r mochyn du.

Gweithiwyd iddo arch o dderi
Wedi'i drimio a'i berarogli
Ac fe dorrwyd bedd ardderchog
I'r hen fochyn yng Ngharngoediog

Y Parchedig Wil Twm Griffi
Ydoedd yno yn pregethu
Pawb yn sobor anghyffredin
Oll i ddangos parch i'r mochyn

Bellach rydwyf yn terfynu
Nawr gan roddi heibio ganu
Cymrwch ofal bawb rhag dilyn
Siampl ddrwg wrth fwydo mochyn


All you (inhabitants) of the community and hills
Come and listen to these words
You'll get the story of an old pig
Who died very suddenly.


Oh how heavy (hearted) we are
Oh how heavy (hearted) we are
There is heartfelt grief here
After burying the black pig.

A coffin of oak was worked for him
Trimmed and scented
And a wonderful grave was dug
For the old pig in Carngoediog.

It was the Reverend Wil Twm Griffi
Who was there to preach
Everyone was terribly solemn
All to show respect for the pig.

Now I am finishing
And stopping the singing
Take care lest you follow
A bad example as you feed a pig.