The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99096   Message #1980963
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Feb-07 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
I don't trust Ahmadinejad or the Mullahs in Iran either, Dickey. Neither do I trust Mr Bush or the Israelis. Neither do I trust the Syrians nor the Saudis nor the Turks or anybody else around there. If I were leading a country...any country...I would never attack another country unless they attacked first (and I mean a full scale military attack...not the covert supporting of some paramilitary group somewhere...the USA also makes a habit of supporting paramilitary groups all over the place, after all, and always has done so).

I have no wish to live in Iran, because it's not my home and it's not my culture. If I was an Iranian, I might feel differently about that. Who knows? It would depend on many factors.

I don't doubt that Iran is assisting Hezbollah. I also don't doubt that the USA is assisting various paramilitary groups who kill people for them in many places around the word. I do not regard that as justification for launching a war on either the USA or Iran.

I'm looking at the situation even-handedly. I don't attack another country EVER unless that country has already attacked me...and I mean directly and without question attacked me with its own professional armed forces.

If all countries in the world were to abide by that one simple rule "I will not attack you first", we wouldn't have any more wars between nation-states. And if you think about it, Dickey, those are the normal rules of human conduct in any decent, law-abiding society, aren't they?

We need official statements by both Israel and all its Muslim enemies to that effect: "From this day forward we swear that we will not attack you first." It would be a reasonable start to building some kind of constructive dialogue.