The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99232 Message #1981346
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Feb-07 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Subject: RE: BS: Worst President Ever???...
Sure, pdq, with ease! ;-) The election I was referring to occurred in 1951, but there were some others besides before that.
Here's a brief summary from Wickipedia (took me all of 10 seconds to find it):
Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh (19 May 1882 - 5 March 1967) was the democratically elected prime minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953. He was twice appointed to office by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, and approved by the vote of parliament. Mossadegh was a nationalist and passionately opposed foreign intervention in Iran. He was also the architect of the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry which was dominated and exploited by the British through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (today known as British Petroleum (BP).
He was later removed from power by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, in a CIA orchestrated coup, supported and funded by the British and the U.S. governments. The coup was led by CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt, Jr., the grandson of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, and came to be known as Operation Ajax, by its secret CIA cryptonym and the "28 Mordad 1332" coup, by its date on the Iranian calendar.
Read the whole historical article. It's interesting. Remember, I don't write Wickipedia, and it's not part of a commie plot to mislead the world either. ;-) It is common knowledge in the Third World that the USA crushed Iran's fledgling democracy for its own business interests.
Mossadegh's only crime was nationalism. He tried to put Iran in charge of its own oil. For that he was brought down in a CIA-sponsored coup.
Some other democratically elected governments which have been covertly attacked (by coups and/or assassinations) by the USA's CIA operatives in more recent times:
Chile in 1973 (coup and violent death of president Allende) Nicaraugua (longterm terrorist warfare by contras and USA-trained agents on civilian infrastructure and people of Nicaragua) Venezuela (attempted CIA coup recently...but it failed) Guatemala (coup, followed by much activity by CIA-trained death squads) Panama (Torrijos - assassinated - Panama later invaded. Reason? Panama Canal sovereignty issues. Phony excuse given: "Noriega is an evil drug-dealing man who must go." Ha! Ha! They loved Noriega's evil drug-dealing nature as long as he was willing to cooperate 100$ with the USA on certain vital matters, but he was stubborn regarding the Canal Zone treaty and some other issues.)
Everyone in the Third World knows, pdq, that the USA will attack and bring down any democratically elected government in the Third World that doesn't cooperate fully with the multinational corporate objectives. It's pretty well only Americans who don't seem to know that yet.
You're living in a gilded cage that is built on the bones and shattered dreams of Third World people, buddy. And so am I. But at least I know it.