The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99452   Message #1981705
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
28-Feb-07 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: Show of Hands (Recipes)
Subject: Show of Hands
The video's out! you can watch 'Roots' whilst listening to it on your CD at the same time...and catch glimpses of Eden too, in more ways than one....splutter! ;0) (That's a joke Moaning Minnies...just a joke..before you all fall over sideways like Mrs. Doyle!) ;0)

All together now....

"Now it's been twenty five years or more....I've roamed this land from shore to shore..." (taken from 'Roots' by Steve Knightley)

And by the way...'Roots' should have won the Best Original Song without a shadow of a doubt!!!!

At Abbotsbury I saw Karine singing that song, and it's very lovely don't get me wrong...but it merely got a polite round of applause at the end. When Show of Hands, Spiers & Boden and Simon Emmerson performed 'Roots' one thousand people stood up as one...and they cheered as I have NEVER heard Show of Hands fan cheer before!!!

But...NOTHING surprises me about the Folk Awards...or John Leonard...or The BBC....

It was very wrong, in my opinion, to overlook such an incredibly passionate song, which as such an inspirational effect on so many people who hear it...

"Haul away boys, let them go, out in the wind and the rain and snow, We've lost more than we'll ever know round the rocky shores of England"

Lizzie :0)