The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98924   Message #1982262
Posted By: Bobert
28-Feb-07 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof that Bush lied
Subject: RE: BS: Proof that Bush lied
T-Bird, Part B...

Jus' for gtins I have just revisited portions of a thread from the mad-dash-to-invade-Iarq entitled "Bush, Iraq and War, PART EIGHT" and maybe you should as well... I think it would take you down a peg 'er two on yer smugness totum poll... No, not a peg or two but prolly closer to the bottom as ***your*** views then were as wrong as they are today...

Now, I know you don't like to be reminded of this but the views and opinions that I and others put forth ended up being the correct ones and yer were just plain ill-thought out and wrong as wrong can be...

Yeah, ***you*** picked the company fight song and sang it at the top of yer smug little lungs... Problem is that with most company fight songs they are just there to keep the ***true believers***, such as yerself, entertained and not much more than that...

And when all else failed in yer and Blair/Bush's little scheme and you were faced by having to allow-- horrors, amn-- weapons inspectors back into Iraq you din't want to give them time to do their job and make their reports... Then you poopoo'd Blixes address to the UN where he said the Iarqi's were cooperating and allowing inspections of any places they wanted to inspect... Yeah, you and yer buds Bush and Blair had no patience for that... You and they had allready made up yer little war-mongin' minds and you wanted to fire up the "SHOCK 'n AWE" as if it was like gettin' laid fir the first time... No time for Hans Blix... No time to consider what a post-Shock ' Awe Iraq would look like... Just attack, attack, attack...

Then things went bad---real bad--for your side as we had predicted and even gave you specifics of just how bad things were going to be and so you disappeared in disgrace but now you think that..

...we've forgotten those days???

And you think it's perfectly okay to critcise me and say that my arguments are weak???

Bite me, T-zer, just friggin bite me...

Anyone here can go back and review the arguments...

You were wrong!!!

I (and others) were right!!!

No smug, no brag, jus' pure unaltered fact...
