The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99464   Message #1982394
Posted By: Big Mick
28-Feb-07 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: New CD - at NTIF
Subject: RE: New CD - at NTIF
Ed, who the hell are you, and who asked for your critical comment? You appear to me to be a no class individual with a giant case of jealousy about this band. If you were a musician/performer of any talent, you would have offered encouragement. I checked and no where did I see a request for your opinion in the form of a review. I went to the website, and noted that their first CD was featured on NPR, and voted best by Tucson area afondicio's. I believe I will trust their judgement, instead of yours.

Claire, I don't know you or your band, but I listened to the cuts and they seemed superb. Congratulations on the new CD, and I hope we cross paths at a festival one day. If we do, The Conklin Ceili Band would love to have you folks sit in with us. You are clearly excellent musicians. And I really enjoy the female singer (s)

All the best,

Mick Lane