The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99452   Message #1982520
Posted By: Scrump
01-Mar-07 - 05:11 AM
Thread Name: Show of Hands (Recipes)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands
Firstly, as I said in my posting above, I am a fan of Show of Hands myself, having seen them live several times last year and earlier this year (the last time just over a week ago). So I don't consider myself one of the 'Moaning Minnies' referred to above - I think this refers to the people who don't like SOH and/or Roots, and I'm not in that category.

But I was trying to persuade Lizzie Cornish that her trying to persuade people here on this forum that SOH and Roots are brilliant, is a waste of effort. Worse than that, I believe it is counter-productive, because she has tried before many times and alienated certain members of this forum, to the extent that she has turned them against SOH and Roots.

As an SOH fan myself, I don't want this to continue, so I was trying to persuade her to stop posting on the subject, as I believe it does SOH more harm than good.

Roots didn't win the Folk Award for best original song, whether Lizzie or anyone else likes it or not. SOH have moved on, and I think we should too. And slagging off Karine Polwart (I'm a a fan of hers too - and why not? she writes some superb songs) is not the way to persuade people how good SOH are. There's room for them all.

Of course it is entirely up to Lizzie if she wishes to persist in this line, but I hope she will consider my advice. Lizzie, if you want to discuss it with me via PM please feel free to contact me.