The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99452   Message #1982601
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
01-Mar-07 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: Show of Hands (Recipes)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands
Mornin' Guys! :0)

Now listen you lot....stop getting your knickers in such a twist else your eyes will start to cross!

The Moaning Minnies are those who moan. 'Tis perfectly simple. They about Show of Hands, Seth Lakeman et al...and at me...

I've heard that the NHS has been plagued in recent weeks by a sudden surge of Moaning Minnieitis, as I'd 'disappeared' and they had no-one to vent their spleen over. So, in order to save the NHS some money, so that they can have yet another billion pound computer system installed...I decided to come back and thus relieve the various Moaning Minnie Pustules that have been forming in various places around the country... ;0)

I merely posted the details about Show of Hands superb new video...because I llllllllllllove it!! :0) Knowing how many people read Mudcat who ARE NOT Moaning Minnies...I thought they may enjoy seeing it.

A very cheerful Good Morning to them all as well! :0) xxx

Those who love Show of Hands are free to love them, those who don't are also free. You regard it as OK for you to have your say, vitriolic though it may be...(in my ever so 'umble opinion of course).....but I too am also free to write what I want...

If you don't like Show of Hands it's probably best not to come into a thread entitled er..'Show of Hands'... chuckle! ;0)

Be fair...I'm open and honest. I could have started a thread entitled '100 great things about Cecil Sharp' and you'd have all leapt in here, excited and over the moon only to find........'Roots' The Video....

'Scus me whilst I roll over on the floor spluttering wildly for a moment.......

:0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0)

Oh..that's better... :0)

Now..where was I?

Oh yes...Show of Hands! Do you know that it's nearly time for their Royal Albert Hall gig! Oh...I am SO looking forward to that. We're going up on a coach with some of The Longdogs, it's going to be such great fun! AND...the lady from Exeter Museum is going too! I know! Isn't that amazing! I went in there the other day, with the kids and we went and had a pootle round the shop...and guess what music was playing in there? Go on...GUESS? :0)

YAY!!! Show of Hands....Their 'Country Life' CD was fair belting got even better...because I ran over to the till, grinned widely from ear to ear...told the lady and her daughter how lovely it was to hear their music and then I noticed that the counter was covered with all their other CDs too! :0) :0) :0) can learn SO MUCH in a Museum! ;0)

Right...'tis time to go down and steal some more biscuits from The Napoli now...Do you know a man was arrested for stealing an orange at Branscombe the other day! SHEESH!! 1984 is here guys...several decades's here...

"Haul Away Boys!"

Lizzie :0)