The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99493   Message #1982800
Posted By: Fidjit
01-Mar-07 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Origins: In the Darkness (Harvey Andrews)
Subject: Origins: In the darkness of the night
I have this song. Had it for years and years.
Now who can tell me who wrote it?

In the darkness of the night
I sometime wonder was I right
To leave you love, without a smile
Without a word, when all the while
It hurts inside to say goodbye
As you bid for another try
At loving me, And at pleasing me

Allthough I tried to heed you still
I fought a battle against your will
To keep me and to make me stay
Keeping bills and the seas at bay
To make of me an older man
Nothing, but an older man
And just for you. That's what you tried to do

So at the dawn of another day
I feel an ache about the way
I left you and I said goodbye
In case we meet and want to try
Again my love to build a wall
To keep out evreything, but what our love could mean
Oh! What our love could mean.

So. In the darkness of the night
I sometime wonder was I right
To leave you love, without a smile
Without a word, when all the while
It hurts inside to say goodbye
As you bid for another try
At loving me, And at pleasing me.

Anyone know who wrote this?
