The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99452   Message #1982832
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
01-Mar-07 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: Show of Hands (Recipes)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands
My accomplice?
No, I ride alone and speak only for myself.
Y'see, with LC it's ALWAYS somebody else's fault, even if she has to invent a scapegoat. Never hers. Oh no.

The only thing I don't like about SoH is . . . Show of Hands, and especially Roots which is crap musically and is, lyrically, socially divisive to the point of racism.
What really irritates me is that they could clearly be so much better but can't be arsed. Presumably because they don't need to.
They can make a living by not bothering that much.
I deplore that.

Phil Beer is a fine musician and I rather liked Alianza.
Same story with the Lakeperson, sadly now wrongly tarred and discredited as a result of the Smoothies' incompetence.
The Lakeperson Boy Band was quite good, once.
Then it went downhill because the Bros decided they wanted to be pop singers.
Nowt wrong with that but it doesn't interest me that much.
And a small proportion of the yoof LC seems so keen to cultivate is being fed the notion that this is trad music. It isn't.
We all know who these people are and did so long before LC came along and imagined she has 'discovered' them.
It's all so tedious, the musicians are embarrassed, everyone else is bored and it has to STOP.