The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99096   Message #1982950
Posted By: GUEST,Dickey
01-Mar-07 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: 7000 refugees to arrive in the U.S.
A child born in the US is automatically a citizen and can't be deported.

How is it in the self righteous Canada?

How come Canada outsources it's torture? The family and the child were sent to Iran where they were tortured.

None of this is on your topic but you asked.

Your mean spirited opening post points the finger at the US.

You answered your own question, how many refugees were created when Saddam was in power? 1.5 million.

The following is on topic about refugees:

"First convoy of Iraqi refugees returns home from Ashrafi refugee camp in Iran; 69 Iraqis--third of them children--cross into Iraq and go to southern city of Basra; before fall of Saddam Hussein, there were 200,000 Iraqi refugees in Iran; most had fled after Shiite uprising in 1991; after Hussein was removed, American-led authorities delayed their official returns, concerned that flood of returning refugees could include people dedicated to fighting occupation forces; refugees' return is organized by office of United Nations high commissioner for refugees NYT

"More than 5,000 Iraqi refugees who have lived in refugee camp in Rafha, Saudi Arabia, for last 12 years yearn to return home; they are mostly Shiite Muslims who fled southern Iraq when Saddam Hussein crushed Shiite uprising after Persian Gulf war of 1991; hundreds of children under age of 13 have never seen country their parents call home; Rafha refugees are among 400,000 officially recognized Iraqi refugees across Arab world and in Europe and United States; hundreds of thousands more are living in exile; now many thousands are preparing to go home; their return has become focus of United Nations High Commission for Refugees and other international organizations; at Rafha, desire to leave runs almost as deep as fear of going home to houses and towns that were obliterated and to graveyards that hold their relatives; across camp, small spontaneous celebrations break out as Baghdad falls into American hands" NYT